ArenaCTF Documentation
A Capture the Flag plugin where you pick up the wool color representing the other team, shown by visual around the wool. Once you pick it up teams are alerted and you need to bring the flag back to your base while your flag is still there. You can make more than one ctf arena and players will cycle through the different maps.
Put the ArenaCTF.jar in your plugins folder, along with BattleArena.jar
==How do I win ?== To capture the flag you need to bring the enemy flag back to your flag at it's home. If your flag is being held by the enemy you will need to kill them and return it back ( just walk over it ).
==Source== [[ Source code]]
==Requirements== This plugin is made to hook into [[BattleArena]], so you also need to download it as well.
- [[BattleArena]]: Wiki that has all the options available for both ArenaCTF and BattleArena
- You can ask me questions in real time on irc when I'm on. You can usually find me in the rooms battleplugins, or bukkit in [[ through a browser]]