ArenaSpleef Documentation
A Spleef plugin where players can queue and will join a free Spleef arena. You can make more than one Spleef arena and players will cycle through them. If all arenas are in use, the players are kept in the queue and will join when one opens up. You can modify all aspects of the spleef by editing the SpleefConfig.yml. Including what items they get for the spleef, whether they get prizes, etc.
- Regen layers at specified intervals
- Multiple layers can be created for any arena
- Multiple arenas can be used at one time
- Small team matches or server wide spleef events
Put the ArenaSpleef.jar in your plugins folder, along with BattleArena.jar, WorldEdit.jar, and WorldGuard.jar
==Youtube Tutorials== [[ YouTube Tutorials]] - If you find others please let us know
- [[BattleArena | BattleArena Wiki]]: Works for this plugin as well.
- [[BattleArena/Signs | Adding Signs]] : support for joining/leaving and status
- IRC: You can ask me questions in real time on irc when I'm on. You can usually find me in the rooms battleplugins, or bukkit in [[ IRC through a browser]]
- [[BattleArena]]
- [[ WorldEdit]]
- [[ WorldGuard]]
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